December 7, 2023

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Agenda: IDUG opening remarks
Db2 for z/OS and DFSMS for the DBA - Hennie Mynhardt
Ask the developer: the REST interface to Db2 for z/OS - Tom Toomire, with discussion moderated by Mark Rader
Virtual Lunch
Db2 for z/OS online schema – past, present and future - Haakon Roberts
Meeting Wrapup
Abstracts and Biographies: 

NEDB2UG RUG meeting z/OS

Dec 7, 2023, 2:00 – 9:00 AM (America/New_York)

Please join my meeting from your computer, tablet or smartphone.


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Access Code:


United States (Toll Free):

1 877 309 2073

United States:

+1 (646) 749-3129


9:15 - 10:15 AM – Hennie Mynhardt ([email protected])


Session title: Db2 for z/OS and DFSMS for the DBA


Session abstract:

In general, all Db2 for z/OS data sets are now managed with IBM’s DFSMS. This session covers how all the DFSMS components and constructs affect how these data sets are management for availability and performance. The session is geared towards Db2 DBAs and systems programmers. Learn how DFSMS affects Db2 table spaces, what storage pools are and how they reduce the workload and boost the productivity of Db2 DBAs and storage administrators. Learn about the considerations and choices that need to be made to tailor DFSMS to suit different types of data sets and individual customers’ system environment and organization.


Speaker bio:

Hendrik (“Hennie”) Mynhardt is an IBM Certified Executive IT Specialist and Thought Leader in the Z Data and AI space. His focus is supporting customers in the field, and he specializes in Db2 for z/OS utilities, backup and recovery and system performance. He has written multiple IBM Redbooks and Redpapers and has presented at IDUG conferences in North America and Europe. He is also a field customer advocate and has supported IBM’s Db2 for z/OS tools for many years.



10:30 - 11:30 AM – Tom Toomire ([email protected]), with discussion moderated by Mark Rader ([email protected])


Session title: Ask the developer: the REST interface to Db2 for z/OS


Session abstract:

Interest in, and use of, the REST interface to Db2 for z/OS is growing rapidly, as application developers and Db2 people see the value of the REST architectural style as a means of seamlessly integrating client applications (increasingly cloud-based) with Db2 for z/OS data resources. A technical perspective on this topic doesn’t get more authoritative than that of Tom Toomire, lead developer for Db2’s REST interface. Bring your curiosity and your questions to this interactive session, which will be moderated by IBM Db2 for z/OS technical specialist (and REST expert in his own right) Mark Rader.


Speaker bio:

Tom Toomire is a Senior Software Engineer in Db2 for z/OS development at the IBM Silicon Valley Laboratory, with over 34 years of experience working as a developer on Db2 for z/OS and related technology.  Tom has worked in various component areas within Db2 over the years, including Db2 stored procedures, ODBC/CLI driver, Db2 local attach facilities, group attach facility, subsystem services, storage manager, distributed data facility (DDF), and all of the different implementations of the IBM DB2 Java Database Connectivity (JDBC/JCC) drivers for z/OS.  Tom is currently working in the DDF component area and leading the development of the Db2 DDF native REST services functionality.

Mark Rader is a Db2 for z/OS specialist in the IBM Z Washington Systems Center.  He has 39 years of technical experience with IBM, and over 33 years with Db2 for z/OS.  He has led many Db2 data sharing implementations and has presented a variety of topics at conferences, including IDUG,  SHARE, IBM Technical University and at regional Db2 user group meetings. He has worked closely with Db2 development in delivering the Early Support Programs for Db2 10, Db2 11, and Db2 12.  He is an author of Redbooks on Parallel Sysplex application considerations, Db2 data sharing, Db2 for z/OS distributed function, and Db2 13 for z/OS.



12:30 - 1:30 PM – Haakon Roberts ([email protected])


Session title: Db2 for z/OS online schema – past, present and future


Session abstract:

The ability to modify Db2 for z/OS table, table space or index space attributes without impacting running applications is a key focus area for development. This session will explain the path that Db2 is on, review recent improvements in this area and look forward to what remains to be done in this critical space.


Speaker bio:

Haakon Roberts is an IBM Distinguished Engineer based at the Silicon Valley Laboratory in San Jose, California. He is the Director of the Db2 for z/OS and Tools organization and CTO of IBM Z Data and AI. He holds several patents and is a leading expert in database management, data integrity, availability, resiliency and problem resolution. He is a regular speaker on these and other topics.