DB2 11 z/OS Migration process
Jim Brogan - IBM
DB2 11 was one year old in October, 2014. It is time to start thinking about migration to the latest version of DB2 for z/OS.
The migration steps look similar, but there are some key considerations and differences this time around. The Migration Planning Workshop
is a full day event, and these presentation will cover the key aspects of DB2 11 z/OS.
Planning, Prerequisites, Incompatibilities, deprecated items, Application Compatibility , Statistics Feedback,Archive Transparency, and
Extended RBA/LSRN features.
Jim Brogan is an IBM Certified Consulting IT Specialist. Throughout his 40+ year career, Jim has had many roles in the IT industry
including those of DBA, DBA Manager, and Database Consultant at many large corporations including United Technologies Corp,
General Electric, and Westinghouse. Jim's Database experience includes IMS, DB2 z/OS, DB2 for LUW, and Oracle. His current responsibilities
are as an IBM DB2 Advisor and Infosphere (IDAA and Replication) CTP providing technical support to the IBM sales team and customers on
the Z Series platform in the Northeastern United States.
A Big Data Roadmap for the DB2 Professional
Craig Mullins - IBM
Big Data is an industry meme that is gaining traction and cannot be ignored if you wish to continue pursuing a data management career. But
what is Big Data? Does it differ greatly from Oracle, SQL Server, DB2, and other relational database systems? And if so, how? This session
will provide a roadmap to Big Data terminology, use cases, and technology. Attend this session to wade through the hype and start your
journey toward discovering what Big Data is, and what it can do for you and your company.
1. Review the V's of Big Data
2. Examine the four predominant types of NoSQL database systems
a. Graph
b. Key/value
c. Column
d. Document Store
3. Discover the primary uses cases for NoSQL versus relational data
4. Learn the importance of analytics within the Big Data ecosystem
5. Break down and learn the often confusing terminology associated with Big Data
Craig S. Mullins is a data management strategist, researcher, and consultant. He is president and principal consultant of
Mullins Consulting, Inc. and the publisher/editor for TheDatabaseSite.com.
Craig has been named by IBM as a Gold Consultant and an IBM Champion for Information Management. He was named one of the
Top 200 Thought Leaders in Big Data & Analytics by AnalyticsWeek magazine
(http://analyticsweek.com/top-200-thought-leaders-in-bigdata-analytics/). He is a former Gartner analyst, having covered the topic
area of database administration as a research director.
Craig has over three decades of experience in all facets of database systems development and has worked with DB2 since V1. You may know
Craig from his popular books:
• DB2 Developer's Guide, 6th edition – containing more than 1500 pages of in-depth technical information on DB2 for z/OS
• Database Administration: The Complete Guide to DBA Practices and Procedures, 2nd edition –the industry's only comprehensive guide
to heterogeneous database administration.
Through Mullins Consulting, Inc. Craig offers data management services and solutions that meet the demanding requirements of all size
organizations. Service offerings available include:
• Implementation and migration assistance
• Database design
• Performance audits and reviews
• Application performance tuning and SQL optimization
• Security and governance audits and assessments
• Specialty DB2 services
Follow Craig on Twitter at http://www.twitter.com/craigmullins. View Craig’s professional profile and recommendations at
LinkedIn: http://www.linkedin.com/in/craigmullins/
Additional details and information available at http://www.mullinsconsulting.com.
Reduce Costs by Tuning DB2 to Reduce Your Rolling 4 Hour Average
Craig Mullins - IBM
Variable workload licensing and sub-capacity pricing can be a powerful mechanism to reduce your mainframe software costs. But are you
taking full advantage of the opportunities that exist to lower your monthly software bill? Do you know how the rolling four hour (R4H)
average impacts your bill and what you can do to lower that average?