Optim Workload Replay Success Stories and Best Practices
Howie Hirsch - IBM
This session will dive deeply in the IBM InfoSphere Optim Workload Replay solution that offers the ability to capture production workloads
and replay these workloads in a test environment. The technology of Optim Workload Reply makes it easier to determine the impact of changes
in the database environment such as software upgrades or maintenance, hardware upgrades, configuration changes or tuning efforts.
Howie Hirsch has been in Information Systems for 35 years. He has worked in quality assurance, application development and for 20 years as
an application oriented DBA for DB2 for z/OS. He is co-author of the redbook DB2 9 Packages: Revisited. He is a speaker at IBM events as
well as user groups. For the last seven years, Howie has worked in technical sales for IBM, advising clients on all matters related to DB2
for z/OS as well as supporting the products under the Optim brand.
IBM Data Studio for Mainframe Developers & DBAs
David Simpson - Themis
Get ready to understand IBM’s no-charge development platform. We will examine the Eclipse environment that IBM Data Studio uses and discuss
things like workspaces, projects, perspectives and much more. We’ll also examine more deeply a couple of tasks that IBM Data Studio is most
commonly used to accomplish including Stored Procedure support and Query Tuning.
David Simpson is currently a Senior Technical Advisor at Themis Inc. He teaches courses on SQL, Application Programming, Database
Administration as well as optimization, performance and tuning. He also installs and maintains the database systems used for training at
Themis. Since 1993 David has worked as a developer and DBA in support of very large transactional and business intelligence systems. David
is a certified DB2 DBA on both z/OS and LUW. David was voted Best User Speaker and Best Overall Speaker at IDUG North America 2006. He was
also voted Best User Speaker at IDUG Europe 2006 and is a member of the IDUG Speakers Hall of Fame.
DB2 10.5 LUW on zLinux Update
Berni Schiefer - IBM
DB2 10.5 is the latest edition of DB2 LUW. It has many new capabilities. This talk will describe DB2 Version 10 for zLinux and highlight
capabilities in DB2 10.1 and DB2 10.5 for zLinux as well as provide tips and rules of thumb for sizing, deploying, and tuning DB2 for zLinux.
Berni Schiefer is a Distinguished Engineer at the IBM Toronto Lab. He has responsibility for Information Management performance and
benchmarking, specifically for DB2, PureData systems, BigData, MDM and Optim Data Studio performance tools. He joined IBM in 1985 and started
to work on DB2 in 1991. His current focus is on enhancing the performance and scalability of Information Management solutions. His passion
is in introducing advanced technology into products.
DB2 11 for z/OS is Great - Why Should You Care?
Sheryl Larsen - IBM
You should care because your career is dependent on a healthy DB2 for z/OS workload. The more efficient you can make it, the more likely it
will stay there! This presentation will cover DB2 11 enhancements that can improve efficiency for developers. DB2 11 delivers several SQL and optimization enhancements that can help applications to ease development, porting and also run faster. DB2 11
also provides several enhancements to the support of IBM pureXML®, stored procedures, and connectivity. Application-enabling infrastructure
changes allow for intersection with big data, XML, and e-business.
In addition to providing more SQL aggregation improvements, the combination of z/OS Communication Server for TCP/IP, DB2 11 functions and
the many new features in IBM DB2 Analytics Accelerator V4, improve the bandwidth of the hybrid system solution for OLTP and analytical
Sheryl M. Larsen is an internationally recognized researcher, consultant, lecturer, specializing in DB2, and now works for IBM as the
World Wide DB2 for z/OS Evangelist inspiring clients on ways to improve their business value by finding and recommending ways to tune and
optimize applications to get the most out of their investment in DB2 for z/OS and System z. She is known for her extensive expertise in
SQL and has performed detailed DB2 Performance Health Checks for many fortune 500 clients. Sheryl has over 25 years’ experience in DB2,
has published many articles, white papers and co-authored a book, DB2 Answers, Osborne-McGraw-Hill, 1999. Currently she is the President
of the Midwest DB2 User Group (www.mwdug.org) and an IDUG Hall of Fame Speaker/Volunteer. Sheryl's LinkedIn Profile