Introduction to Cognos - IBM Business Intelligence
Milan Babiak - IBM
Product history, evolvement, and current architecture overview. Cognos users in an organization - administrators, modelers and
analysts, report authors and consumers. Cognos for Database Administrators - information that DBAs need to know about Cognos,
and how to support it. Use cases for Cognos as reporting and analytics engine, including advanced capabilities, as event monitoring,
content management, content distribution and tasks management. Capacity Management Analytics solution for IBM mainframe as an example
of an advanced use case of Cognos Business Intelligence.
Milan Babiak works as Technical Solution Architect for IBM Business Analytics, where he creates and presents product demonstrations.
His specialties are Cognos Business Intelligence and delivering Business Analytics on IBM Mainframe - System z.
He earned Master of Computer Science degree from Slovak Technical University Bratislava, Slovakia. When joining IBM in 2008, Milan
has brought more than 20 years of IT experience in various roles as Software Engineering, Quality Assurance, Performance, Consulting,
and Technical Sales across several industries - Government, Telecommunications, Banking, Aviation, and others.
DB2 11 for z/OS is Great! Why You Should Care!
Sheryl Larsen - IBM
In this Best Practice presentation, Sheryl Larsen, the DB2 for z/OS world-wide evangelist discusses structures and appliances that can
be used in conjunction with DB2 to improve performance. She presents information on base table indexes, index on expression,
Materialized Query Tables (MQTs), zIIPs, and Accelerated Query Tables (AQTs). Decisions and cases regarding when to use these
structures are presented.
Sheryl M. Larsen is an internationally recognized researcher, consultant, lecturer, specializing in DB2, and now works for IBM as
the World Wide DB2 for z/OS Evangelist. She is known for her extensive expertise in SQL and has performed detailed DB2 Performance
Health Checks for many fortune 500 clients. Sheryl has over 25 years experience in DB2, has published many articles, white papers and
co-authored a book, DB2 Answers, Osborne-McGraw-Hill, 1999. Currently she is the President of the Midwest DB2 User Group -,
and a member of the Northern Illinois University Computer Science Alumni Council.
Sheryl M. Larsen
World Wide DB2 for z/OS Evangelist
IBM Information Management
President, Midwest DB2 Users Group
Phone: (630) 399-3330
e-mail: [email protected]
Using DB2 Performance Structures Optimally
Sheryl Larsen - IBM
In this Best Practice presentation, Sheryl Larsen, the DB2 for z/OS world-wide evangelist discusses structures and appliances that can
be used in conjunction with DB2 to improve performance. She presents information on base table indexes, index on expression,
Materialized Query Tables (MQTs), zIIPs, and Accelerated Query Tables (AQTs). Decisions and cases regarding when to use these
structures are presented.
Sheryl M. Larsen is an internationally recognized researcher, consultant, lecturer, specializing in DB2, and now works for IBM as
the World Wide DB2 for z/OS Evangelist. She is known for her extensive expertise in SQL and has performed detailed DB2 Performance
Health Checks for many fortune 500 clients. Sheryl has over 25 years experience in DB2, has published many articles, white papers and
co-authored a book, DB2 Answers, Osborne-McGraw-Hill, 1999. Currently she is the President of the Midwest DB2 User Group -,
and a member of the Northern Illinois University Computer Science Alumni Council.
Sheryl M. Larsen
World Wide DB2 for z/OS Evangelist
IBM Information Management
President, Midwest DB2 Users Group
Phone: (630) 399-3330
e-mail: [email protected]
DB2 11 z/OS Overview
Jim Brogan - IBM
DB2 11 was one year old in October, 2014. It is time to start thinking about migration to the latest version of DB2 for z/OS. The migration
steps look similar, but there are some key considerations and differences this time around. The Migration Planning Workshop is a full day
event, and these presentation will cover the key aspects of DB2 11 z/OS.
Jim Brogan is an IBM Certified Consulting IT Specialist. Throughout his 40+ year career, Jim has had many roles in the IT industry
including those of DBA, DBA Manager, and Database Consultant at many large corporations including United Technologies Corp,
General Electric, and Westinghouse. Jim's Database experience includes IMS, DB2 z/OS, DB2 for LUW, and Oracle. His current responsibilities
are as an IBM DB2 Advisor and Infosphere (IDAA and Replication) CTP providing technical support to the IBM sales team and customers on
the Z Series platform in the Northeastern United States.