IBM DB2 Analytics Accelerator (IDAA) Loader
Anthony Ciabattoni - Rocket Software
IBM DB2 Analytics Accelerator Loader for z/OS , V1.1 (5639-OLA) enables you to quickly load data from DB2 for z/OS , as well
as from external sources, into IBM DB2 Analytics Accelerator for z/OS without interrupting access to production objects while reducing CPU
consumption and elapsed time. This presentation will discuss how the IBM DB2 Analytics Accelerator Loader reduces the cost and time of loading
external data, as well as the features and functionalities available within the product to load data into DB2 Analytics Accelerator.
Anthony has 20 years of DB2 for z/OS experience with expertise in high available 24/7 systems, including extensive hands on backup
& recovery knowledge. Before joining Rocket in early 2012, Anthony worked for a large global financial services company and was responsible
for architecting, implementing and managing a large OLTP high available data sharing environment with responsibilities for efficient
backup & recovery strategies and architecting and managing a large operational data store(ODS). Anthony is a past member of the IBM DB2 for
z/OS Customer Advisory Council, IBM Information Champion and a past presenter at IBM's Information on Demand Conferences, IDUG North America
and Europe Conferences.
DB2 Utilities Update and Best Practices
John Iczkovits - IBM
This session covers practical information to help you get the most availability and performance out of your DB2 Utilities investment. We'll
also cover the latest enhancements delivered with DB2 11 for z/OS. Topics include how to take full advantage of performance enhancements;
maximizing DB2 real-time statistics; and copy, backup and recovery techniques for the 21st century. You'll leave the session with useful
information on getting the maximum benefits from the features delivered in the DB2 Utilities Suite for z/OS. These features can help you
manage your utility maintenance to improve the performance of critical DB2 for z/OS applications.
John Iczkovits is a Senior IT Specialist with IBM Advanced Technical Support. He provides DB2 for z/OS technical support and consulting
services. His areas of expertise include DB2 data sharing, performance, and availability. His work in IBM includes experience supporting DB2
as a Systems Engineer, Database Administrator, IT Specialist, Consultant, and project lead. He has 33 years of IT experience, ranging from
database products such as DB2 and IMS to MVS systems support, including storage management. He has also co-authored IBM redbooks, red papers,
white papers, trade magazine articles, and presented at SHARE, the DB2 Tech Conference, the Information On Demand Conference, zEXPO Conference,
IBM System z Technical Symposium, Edge, CMG, IDUG, and at local DB2 users groups.
IBM's DB2 Performance Solution
Hendrik Mynhardt - IBM
Learn about IBM's newest DB2 solutions to help you manage DB2 in today's challenging and constant changing environment. Recent DB2
changes and new features / functions are touched upon and how the tools can help you manage these.
Special attention will be given towards IBM's DB2 Performance Solution which encompasses systems and SQL monitoring and tuning, using
OM/PE, Query Monitor and Query Workload Tuner.
Hennie Mynhardt is an Executive IT Specialist at IBM who has worked on various technical projects for database customers in North America
and overseas. His special interests are systems performance tuning and backup/recovery. He currently provides technical consulting and pre-
and post-sales technical support for DB2 for z/OS Tools and engine.
DB2 11 for z/OS Performance Topics
Mark Rader - IBM
DB2 11 for z/OS has been generally available for almost a year, and DB2 11 was already in production at customer sites before the Early
Support Program was over. Among the drivers of early adoption are the reduced CPU cost in Conversion Mode and a number of performance features
that customers can take advantage of. This session will review the various CPU cost benefits and performance features and describe the
range of performance benefits expected.
Mark Rader is a Senior Consulting IT Specialist with IBM ATS. He has over 30 years of technical experience with IBM, primarily with DB2 for
z/OS. focusing on data sharing, performance, and DB2 and WLM interaction. He has led many DB2 data sharing implementations and has presented
a variety of topics at IOD and regional user group meetings. He is an author of redbooks on Parallel Sysplex application considerations, DB2
data sharing, and DB2 for z/OS distributed function.